The Vision

Marin Moto Ranch was intentionally shaped by the lessons learned from my two previous ventures in the Bay Area: Route Motoring Club, a communal garage, and Simple Campers, a vehicle management business. Responding to strong and ongoing demand from the motoring community, the Ranch will open its doors in three phases, designed to meet the community’s needs.

Phase 1 - Storage

Solving the most common problem for riders and drivers: Where can I safely store this thing? Next, we make them easily accessible with 24/7 access and valet service. By-appointment workshop Available now.

Phase 2 - Service(s)

Keeping a machine running is the next challenge enthusiasts inevitably encounter. The Ranch will have a shared workshop, just like Route, as well as in-house technical assistance and specialists. Starting Summer 25’

The Clubhouse: This is where all the energy of motoring culture comes together. A workshop, workspace, food and beverage, and music. Your favorite machine is your ticket into the motoring culture of the Bay. Open Early 26’

Phase 3 - Social

Founder and Ranch Manager

On LinkedIn, I am a Bay Area startup operator who has founded a few businesses and currently resides in Mill Valley. Beneath that, I am a lover of motorized machines and mechanisms. Off-road vehicles, sports cars, and the full spectrum of motorcycles have been my focus outside of "business hours," gradually becoming my professional life.

More recently, I launched Route Motoring Club, a cooperative automotive garage that combined my passion for motorized thrills and hands-on work with what I’ve discovered to be my true calling. At my core, I have a deep need to bring people together and foster the energy that emerges when relationships are just one spark away and need the right conditions and support to flourish.

That’s where Marin Moto Ranch comes in. MMR is the evolution of my journey and my way to connect individuals and create a true sense of community. Not the corporate or social media kind of community, but the kind where friendships and connections are genuinely made—where people feel comfortable being themselves and expressing their passions. This is what makes communities strong on a large scale: the small-scale, repetitive circles of positive interactions that allow people to reflect positively on the place they currently call home.

Creating such communities isn’t easy these days, there is a lot of division in the world and a looming sense of isolation. This is my niche way to chip away at the loneliness pandemic, genuinely and with the intention of strengthening community bonds. Refine what real community is, amplify it, and repeat it in other places that need it. That is how I plan to create and spread positivity in the world—my contribution to the human race.

Book a call with the founder to learn more about the vision of Marin Moto Ranch.